
Demi-Lich Dice: Hollow Metal RPG Dice Sets

Created by Modern Artifice

Skull Themed Metal Dice Sets for use with Roleplaying and Tabletop Games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Replacements and Public Availability!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 04:21:34 AM

Hail Adventurers!

It has been a long road!  I have finally gotten the next order of Zinc in and the replacements for those who have had minor issues with paint or electroplating will be having their dice set out to them shortly, and once those go out, the dice will officially become available on my website/store.

This is probably the second to last update, the final one will be when I finally sit down and finish that adventure!

We have another kickstarter coming up featuring magick/alchemy themed dice,  and we will be at numerous conventions and renfaires.  I am going to be looking to expanding my team as I can't really do this as a one-person show for much longer.

Thank all of you for your kind support and feedback and critique.  I hope to use this experience to grow and produce even better things for the TTRPG gaming world.  And yes because I keep being asked.  Spindowns are coming.  ^_~

Modern Artifice

Last of the packages and some exciting news and humble thanks!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 11:00:45 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipments go out this upcoming week!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 07:48:27 PM

Hello Adventurers!

We are wrapping up securing the shipment addresses and the first wave of deliveries will be going out Monday/Tuesday.  From there most individuals should receive their dice/tray/and pin (as applicable) within 3-4 days!  We would greatly appreciate your thoughts and insights (and #modernartifice tagging) along with photos showing off the culmination of this project on whatever social media platforms you are on!

We have learned a LOT in relation to this kickstarter, and we are ready to begin designs on our next project! We do apologize about the delays in our shipping timetable, we did originally think the surveys would only have a week or so turnaround but we are going to adjust and assume  month in the future.  This running into the ren faire we were obligated to be at slowed down production a tad, however we hope everyone is patient and understanding in this and thank you for your continued support and we have tried to be as transparent as possible with any and all bumps in the road or issues that had occurred. 

As of now the only thing left is some final formatting for the module PDF which will be uploaded to backerkit for download and then everything should be golden!

Overall we would say this has been a great success and we hope you will keep an eye out for our next project that we hope will gain even more traction! (And we are ready to go with a few very nifty add-on'/bonuses from what we've learned!)

Thank you again for your support in these trying and crazy times.  Hopefully we can all meet across a table and roll some dice together at some point!

May advantage and crits be ever in your future!

Modern Artifice

Let the great sorting commence!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 03:45:02 AM

Hail Adventurers!

I will say by far prismatic phylactery and toxic terror were incredibly popular along with cosmic Chrome. So many of you ordered extra d6's and d20's of them!

Now we can get everything sorted and then shipped out! Also a very lovely thank you to all of the individuals who stopped by our booth at the Robin Hood's Fair so far! We appreciate you so much!

~Modern Artifice

Digital Downloads Available!!!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 04, 2021 at 08:57:35 PM

Hail Adventurers!

We are wrapping up the casting and The maps and the digital bestiary links have been made available through Backerkit! Links to download the maps as well as view the Demi-Lich Beastiary and import them to your own tools with 5E tools are available.  You should receive an email with the link to both shortly.  We are just formatting the adventure and scaling it appropriately and that will be sent out as the third link through backerkit.  And oh my goodness do I never want to have to fight a Draconic Demi-Lich.  I hope you all enjoy!

Modern Artifice